CETA Resolution Regarding Membership
Amended 8/16/2007
Pursuant to Article II, Section 2.4 of the Bylaws, the Board of Directors hereby adopts criteria to be applied in considering applications for new membership after October 19, 2006. Such criteria are in addition to membership qualifications set forth in the Bylaws.
1. Voting Members
Landowners who wish to become voting members of CETA shall:
- be owners of real property contiguous to the existing trails of CETA, and
- provide trails on that property acceptable to CETA’s Board, to be used by CETA, its members and guests.
Notwithstanding the above, other landowners may be granted voting membership in the Board’s discretion, provided that they meet one of the following criteria:
a. If their land is not contiguous to existing CETA trails, under special arrangement with the Board,
i. The landowner agrees to open and maintain trails on their land to CETA and its members and guests, and further agrees to work actively with neighboring landowners to arrange for new trails to connect their trails to the existing CETA system in order to become contiguous; and
ii The landowner places trails on their property under easement to CETA, on condition that said trails be acceptable to CETA, and with the provision that if, after 5 years from the date of the easement, said trails have not been connected to the existing CETA system by trails, under easement or not, the CETA Board reserves the right to terminate the easement and all privileges attaching thereto.
b. If in the judgment of CETA’s Board, the applicant’s property is not suitable for establishing trails, the Board may accept the landowner’s application for membership. If accepted for membership, such landowners may become voting members, but shall pay an additional annual assessment as established by the Board.
2. Tenant Members
Tenants renting or leasing property within the Collinsville Road area may become Tenant Members only if the owner of the property is eligible to be either a voting member or an honorary member as defined by the Bylaws and this resolution.
3. Boarding Members
Boarders of one or more horses in a property owner’s stables may become Boarding Members only if the owner of the property is eligible to be either a voting member or an honorary member as defined in the Bylaws and this resolution.