Buyer Beware
Due to increased development in this area and the popularity of the CETA trail system, we have received a growing number of inquiries related to trail access and permanent trail protection. To avoid disappointed expectations, prospective purchasers, sellers, developers and realtors are advised that:
- CETA trails are entirely on private property. Many miles of trails are permanently protected by riding easements, and we are working to protect the remainder. However, your trail access protection is entirely dependent upon the location of the property in question. Trails not protected by permanent easement may be closed by landowners. This happens rarely, but is a risk.
- Because property with direct CETA trail access has historically sold at a substantial premium, buyers could determine the value of that access to them and the price would usually reflect this valuable amenity. Pricing models in some newer developments do not, however, seem to reflect lack of direct CETA trail access. Do not assume that because the price asked is comparable to land on CETA trails that the land does in fact have access.
- Membership is a requirement to ride any part of the CETA trails.
- Many ads use the CETA name as a marketing tool for property nowhere near the trails or with long dangerous hacks on busy roads. It has even been used for property not in the CETA membership area! For your protection, you should ask the seller and realtor for a written representation that if you purchase this property you are and will remain eligible to join CETA and specifying the location of the nearest trail access.
- To avoid confusion and disappointment, we suggest that you work with an experienced equestrian realtor who knows the trail systems and equestrian areas. Many out of area realtors have no experience or knowledge of the area’s equestrian assets, so Buyer Beware.
- Thank you for your interest and support of the historic and unique CETA Trails. We are happy to provide factual information about the location of CETA trails and access. For further information, please visit our contact page and send us an email or give us a call.
- Preliminary maximum average acreage one unit per 12 acres
- Must meet state and local ordinances for equine density
- Fences set back 10 feet from property line
- Fences horse and rider-friendly; for example, no barbed wire, exposed T-posts, or single strand wire fencing along trails.
Note: These are the minimal standards for developers who propose CETA trails in a farm/residential development, assuming all other membership requirements are met.